Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Hitchhike? Why not!:)

                I’ve been thinking a long time about what could I write in my blog. Obvious was for me to write about something which would be interesting for me and for my readers and would be new and fresh. At the beginning I was thinking about movies, books, yoga or eco lifestyle….but then I hit upon the idea to “exploit” this blog to make one think for which I haven’t  had a time so far:  to record my memories from this year’s holiday. Hope you will enjoy it ;-)
                This year we decided (me and my boyfriend – Sebastian) to visit Holland, North of Spain and Portugal.  We decided to travel by hitchhiking as we did last year and was really successful. Some people might think that’s dangerous, that’s  waste of time because nobody gives a lift to strangers, that’s stupid doing it if the budget airlines are incredibly cheap nowadays…etc. In some way I can agree with all of that opinion…BUT anyway, I will try to convince you of big advantage which hitchhiking gives. I will try to describe in details how to get a lift, which places are safe to hitchhike, where you can sleep during the travel and I will write something about the budget for trip like that. Big part of my blog I will dedicate to people which we have met during our trip.

                Ok, so everything starts on 15th of July….